Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Trail Mix - 12.3.19

December 3, 2019 “The Word of God teaches us to guard our heart because you and I are going to be whatever our heart is, sooner or later. Whatever we put into our hearts is what will come out. If you put in garbage then you will get garbage out! The eye gate and the ear gate is where trash comes into our hearts. The children's song says, "Be careful little eyes what you see and be careful little ears what you hear..." Friend, set a watch over what you see and hear and be on guard.” S. E. Trail


My prayer for you today is for you to be alert, attentive and actively on guard for we face an enemy that hurls “fiery darts.”


Psalms 62:7  In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. KJV

“A little girl was once standing on the edge of a crowd while her daddy was giving a testimony about what Jesus Christ has done in his life. He was testifying how the Lord had saved him and delivered him from his old lifestyle as a drunkard. There was a cynic standing on the edge of the crowd that day who could not bear to hear any more of this religious nonsense. So he yelled, "Why don't you shut up and sit down, old man. You're just dreaming." Soon, this skeptic felt a tug on his coat sleeve. He looked down and it was this little girl. She looked him square in the eyes and said, "Sir, that's my daddy you're talking about. You say that my daddy is a dreamer? Let me tell you about my daddy". "My daddy used to be a drunkard and would come home at night and beat my mother. She would cry all through the night. And mister, we didn't have good clothes to wear because my daddy spent all his money on whiskey. Sometimes I didn't even have shoes to wear to school. But look at these shoes and look at this dress! My daddy has a good job now!" Then pointing across the way, she said, "Do you see that woman smiling over there? That's my mother. She doesn't cry through the night anymore. Now she sings." Then came the knockout punch, she said, "Jesus has changed my daddy. Jesus has changed our home. Mister, if my daddy is dreaming, please don't wake him up!"


2019 Bible Reading Schedule for today - 2 Corinth. 1-4

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