Monday, November 4, 2019

Trail Mix - 11.2.19

November 2, 2019 “Life is short. James describes our life "as a vapor," that appears for a moment and then it is over. Because it is so short we should do all we can to make our lives to count for something that endures? One man said, "Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." What are you going to do today that will make a difference in eternity? What choices will you make that will result in works that will stand the test of fire in the world to come? Think about what you are doing right now. If it doesn’t matter in eternity then it doesn’t matter!” S. E. Trail

My prayer for you today is not that you will not have a wounded life but that you will not have a wasted life!

Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? KJV

“Two men met on the city street in the evening, and decided to have a meal together. The one who lived in the suburbs became confidential, and exhibited a string tied around a finger. "I don't dare to go home," he explained. "There's something my wife told me to do, without fail, and to make sure I wouldn't forget, she tied that string around my finger. But for the life of me I can't remember what the thing was I am to do. And I don't dare to go home!" A few days later the two men met again, this time in the afternoon. "Well," the one asked, "did you finally remember what that string was to remind you of?" The other showed great gloom in his expression, as he replied: "I didn't go home until the next night, just because I was scared, and then my wife told me what the string was for all right--she certainly did!" There was a note of pain in his voice. "The string was to remind me to be sure to come home early."


2019 Bible Reading Schedule for today - Luke 23-24

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