Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Trail Mix - 11.12.19

November 12, 2019 “There are two types of addition in the church today. One is from without like barnacles attach themselves to a boat and the other is from within like grapes on a vine. It's possible to become a member of the organization of the church and not become a member of the organism of the church. The church is a body and the "Lord must add to it," or any additions just become so much excess (barnacle) baggage. I saw a sea turtle pulled from the ocean that was literally drowning due to an infestation of small barnacles on its shell. It was rescued and the barnacles removed and it was able to swim normally again. Churches get infested with unsaved, unregenerate people and they cannot do what they are called to do unless these “barnacles” are removed or regenerated!”  S. E. Trail

My prayer for you today is for you to joined “organically” to the body of Christ!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. KJV

“The teacher put a question to the class: "What does a cat have that no other animal has?" A number cried in unison: "Fur!" But an objector raised the point that bears and skunks have fur. One pupil raised an eager hand: "I know, teacher--whiskers!" But another objector laughed scornfully. "Haw-haw! My papa has whiskers!" The teacher rapped for order, and repeated her question. A little girl raised her hand, and at the teacher's nod spoke timidly. "Kittens!"
2019 Bible Reading Schedule for today - Acts 1-3

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