Monday, November 5, 2018

Trail Mix - 11.5.18

11.5.18 “One of the great things about Christianity is the hope we have that change can come into our lives through Christ. No matter where you are in your life Jesus can change you for the better! Think of the change in the lives of Matthew, Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalene and others. Like the song says: "I’m so thankful for the change Jesus made in me, I'm so thankful for the day Jesus set me free, I’m so thankful, so thankful, thankful for the change in me!" S. E. Trail
My prayer for you today is for you to appreciate the change that Jesus has made in your life. Demonstrate your gratitude by the way that you live!

Romans 8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. KJV
“A young doctor had just opened office and felt really excited. His secretary told him a man was here to see him. The young doctor told her to send him in. Pretending to be a busy doctor, he picked up the phone just as the man came in. "Yes, that's right. The fee is $200. Yes, I'll expect you ten past two. Alright, no later, I'm a very busy man." He hung up and turned to the man waiting. "May I help you?" "No," said the man, "I just came in to install the phone."

Bible Reading Schedule for today - John 6-7

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