Sunday, November 4, 2018

Trail Mix - 11.4.18

11.4.18 “Bitterness has many causes but there is only one cure. Forgiveness is the only full proof remedy for this dangerous disease of the spirit. Bitterness is also very contagious because according to Scripture "it defiles many," that is, it will affect everyone it touches. Bitterness keeps God from forgiving us as well. It ties His hands for He can not forgive those who will not forgive. Deal with bitterness now! Don’t get bitter, get better! Failure to forgive puts you behind prison bars!” S. E. Trail
My prayer for you today is for a life where forgiving others comes easy!

James 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? KJV
“One reason the Armed Services have trouble operating jointly is that they have very different meanings for the same terms; The Joint Chiefs once told the Navy to "secure a building," to which they responded by turning off the lights and locking the doors. The Joint Chiefs then instructed Army personnel to "secure the building," and they occupied the building so no one could enter. Upon receiving the exact same order, the Marines assaulted the building, captured it, and set up defenses with suppressive fire and amphibious assault vehicles, established reconnaissance and communications channels, and prepared for close hand-to-hand combat if the situation arose. But the Air Force, on the other hand, acted most swiftly on the command, and took out a three-year lease with an option to buy.”

Bible Reading Schedule for today - John 4-5

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