11.30.18 – “Shakespeare said, "Some men
are born to honor, and some men have it thrust upon them." For believers
there is only one option. Don't go out seeking it! If you do get it, let
someone else give it to you. One man said, "The fellow who wants it isn't
qualified to have it, and ought not to be granted it." Remember the
Apostle John spoke of a man, “...who loveth to have the preeminence." The
man who sings his own praises is always "off key!" Tooting your own
horn leads to sour notes!” Copied – S.
E. Trail
prayer for you today is for a spirit of humility that thrives in the “shadows.”
3:22 Servants,
obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as
menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:KJV
old farmer and his wife arrived at a railway station, and for the first time in
their lives beheld a train of cars, which was standing there. The husband
looked the engine over very carefully, and shook his head. "Well, what do
you think of it, pa?" asked the old lady. "She'll never start,"
was the firm answer: "she'll never start." The conductor waved, the
bell rang, the locomotive puffed, the train moved slowly at first, then faster.
It was disappearing in the distance when the wife inquired slyly: "Well,
pa, what do you think of it now?" The old man shook his head more
violently than before. "She'll never stop," he asserted; "she'll
never stop!" Do you know any church members like Pa?”
Bible Reading Schedule for today - 1 Corinth.