Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trail Mix - 10.9.18

10.9.18 “If we have to have a pat on the back to serve God something is wrong. If we have to receive some kind of acknowledgement to do our duty something is wrong. If we complain because someone else had their named called and we didn't, something is wrong. God help us to grow to the place in our Christian life where we are just thankful to serve, period!” S. E. Trail

My prayer for you today is that you can be “blessed in the background” of Christian service.

Matthew 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. KJV

“As a young preacher, I spent my early years preaching at nursing homes once a month. One Sunday, I preached passionately about the goodness of God during our trials. I noticed an elderly woman crying. She wept bitterly until the end of the service. I was proud that my sermon had moved her so greatly. As I was leaving, a nurse told me the woman wanted to speak to me. Compassionately I asked, "How can I help you?" With tears streaming down her cheeks, she said, "During your message, I lost my candy bar and I still can't find it!"

 Bible Reading Schedule for today - Matthew 18-20


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