Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Trail Mix - 10.30.18

10.30.18 “What was Peter thinking? He boasted that he would gladly die a martyr for the Lord, ran like a rabbit when a little pressure was applied, and then denied the Lord three times while he cozied up to a warm fire with the high priests servants. "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed, lest he fall!" Presumption and self-confidence have brought down many a good man or woman. Lord, help us to stay true and avoid the pitfalls of pride and presumption. Pride is a slippery slope and if pride has its way you will surely fall!” S. E. Trail

My prayer for you today is for a humble heart which is the best defense against pride!

Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. KJV

“Jimmy found much to criticize in his small sister. He felt forced to remonstrate with his mother. "Don't you want Jenny to be a good wife like you when she grows up?" he demanded. His mother nodded assent. "Then you better get busy, ma. You make me give into her all the time 'cause I'm bigger 'en she is. You're smaller 'en pa, but when he comes in, you bring him his slippers, and hand him the paper." Jimmie yanked his go-cart from baby Jennie, and disregarded her wail of anger as he continued: “Got to dis’pline her, or she’ll make an awful wife!”
Bible Reading Schedule for today - Luke 17-18

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