5.21.18 – “What pleases God is faith, and the
weakest faith is better than no faith. Looking at Jesus we find that He meets
our need and proves that we have faith. Faith looks at an object and if that
object is Jesus then we “look and live.” Jesus receives all who come to Him. In
the Gospels people came to Jesus, He commended their faith even when they felt
they had little. “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief,” is certainly
better than not coming at all!” Vance
My prayer for you today would be for a
faith that would “doubt your doubts and
believe your beliefs!” KJV
18:13 And the
publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon
his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
“One woman wrote to a national magazine
to say that every year, it seemed, her family would get on a highway a few
miles out of the city, and her mom would wail, “Oh my goodness! I think I left
the iron on.” And almost every year they would turn around and go back. But as
far as she could recall, not once was the iron ever plugged in. It seems her
mom was dominated by the fear that all their earthly possessions would
disappear in a fire caused by her forgetfulness. That was a family ritual, she
says, until she was about 14 years old. On that occasion they were headed out
of Chicago for Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and, sure enough, her mom gasped, “I just
know I left the iron on.” She says this time her father didn’t say a word. He
just pulled over onto the shoulder of the road, got out, opened the trunk and
handed his wife the iron.”
Bible Reading Schedule for today - 2 Chron.
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