9.16.18 – “When Paul came to the end of his
journey he was almost entirely alone. The missions’ team had split up, Timothy,
Titus, Mark and Demas were gone. Only Luke remained. The day came at last when
a Roman executioner and the blade did its work. When that day came and
"all men forsook him," he could still stay, "notwithstanding,
the Lord stood with me," and we can too! Recently I stood by the bedside
of a dying man and watched as his heart monitor slowly faded to zero. I am so
thankful that the Lord was in that ICU room.” I have seen this repeated many
times and I can tell you that only the Lord can bring peace to the sorrowful
and the grieving at a time like this.” S.
E. Trail
prayer for you today is for a real sense of His sweet presence in your life not
matter what the circumstance.
Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. KJV
boss caught Calvin sitting at his desk staring out the window. “Why aren’t you
working Calvin?” Without much thought Calvin confessed to his boss, “Because I
didn’t see you coming.” There are millions of Christians just like Calvin who
are living their lives oblivious to the fact that they will stand at the
judgment seat before Christ to answer for things that they have done.”
Bible Reading Schedule for
today - Daniel 5-6
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